New England Summer

Backyard Game Instructions - Capture the Flag

It is a simple truth that games are more fun when you know how to play them. That's why I created this concise instruction booklet to give you just the basics you need to know to play a game of Capture the Flag. This is the second in a series of instruction booklets (one coming out each summer). Start with this one and add to your collection over the years. Use them with your family and friends, or buy them to stock your family cabin or lake house, or pack them along for family camping trips. The Capture the Flag booklet includes: the field of play, what you will need, set up, before beginning play, object of the game, rules of the game, strategy, who wins, variations on play, and a section where can record your own games of Capture the Flag with date, players, winning team, and memorable moments.

  • created by Wonderful Life Farm
  • 6 pages
  • second in a series (others sold separately)

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