Spreading Happiness Winter Collection

Antique Cordial Glasses - Set of 2

Winter evenings are the perfect time to snuggle up before the fire with a bit of chocolate and a small glass of cordial, or a glass of port. These fine, antique glasses hold just a small amount and are perfect for the occasion. It feels special and a tad luxurious to have just the right glassware for intimate gatherings of two or more. 

  • set of 2
  • glass
  • antique
  • mint condition
  • dimensions: 3 3/4"H x 1 3/4"W
  • care: hand wash

I love wandering the scenic back roads of New England and searching for treasures at antique shops along the way. All vintage/antique offerings in Wonderful Life Farm are high quality, and have to meet my standards for antiques...beautiful AND usable. Each piece comes with a little tag attached telling you a bit about the piece and how I came to find it, because every piece has a story.

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